Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-C Featured in The Dallas Morning News
Registered dietitian, eating disorder expert, and owner of Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-C interviewed by journalist at The Dallas Morning News discussing diet culture around holidays.
Dallas Morning News Article - Run the Turkey Trot, but don’t fall for diet culture
The article discusses the annual tradition of running the Turkey Trot, but how diet culture messaging can ruin a fun family tradition as well as how shaming messages around food and exercise can negatively impact our quality of life.
quotes from Run The Turkey Trot, but Don’t fall for diet culture
“I spoke about this with registered dietician Casey Bonano, who has seen firsthand how detrimental diet talk can be for everyone, including those with eating disorders.
“There is nothing we need to do besides being alive to deserve and earn food,” said Bonano, founder and CEO of Dallas Nutritional Counseling. “The Thanksgiving meal is only one meal. Yes, sometimes it may be larger than our typical meal or even include foods we don’t eat as often, but ultimately it is only one meal. It just doesn’t have that much power.””
Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-C Featured in The Dallas Morning News - Dallas Nutritional Counseling
Dallas Nutritional Counseling’s family nutrition division, Feed Yourself & Your Family, is excited to announce registration is now open for our Parent Picky Eating Workshop.