Dallas Nutritional Counseling is a Dallas-based private practice specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, disordered eating, chronic dieting, and family feeding concerns. We provide both in-person and virtual services in the state of Texas and nationally. Our practice consists of dietitians and a recovery coach all specifically trained in eating disorders with experience at every level of care. We provide one-on-one nutrition counseling, family nutrition counseling as well as group nutrition counseling.
All of our dietitians practice exclusively within a non-diet and anti-diet approach to help individuals heal their relationship with food and body. We believe there are a variety of elements which contribute to a person’s relationship with food and body. Our goal is to help each individual navigate not just what they eat, but the how, when, and why they eat, while utilizing Intuitive Eating principles. Our dietitians are also equipped to navigate healing one’s relationship with their body through in depth body image work.
Our practice is a Health at Every Size (R) and weight inclusive practice and we work from a trauma informed lens. All of our work is client centered and a collaboration between client and provider. We believe that all bodies and people deserve appropriate and respectful care from a do-no-harm approach. We are LBTGQAI+ allies and we actively work to promote social justice.
Mindful Eating
General Nutrition, Health & Wellness
Behavioral Change
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Sports Nutrition & Athletes
Women’s Health Concerns
Picky Eating
Navigating feeding yourself and your family
Eating Disorders (Kids, Adolescents & Adults)
Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), Other Specified Eating Disorder (OSFED)
Disordered Eating, Including Chronic Dieting
Intuitive Eating
Body Image
Non-diet/anti-diet Approach
Health at Every Size (R)
Trauma Informed