Creating a healthy relationship with food and weight takes time. As much as we would like for recovery to be a linear progression, it’s just not realistic because of the psychological aspect to it. Even well into recovery, life’s curveballs have a way of opening the doors for disordered thoughts to creep in. Our goal is to help you learn how to identify and process these thoughts in real-time to prevent them growing. However, it’s always good to have some references you can turn to which is why we want to remind you about our FREE downloads. You can check them out below and click HERE when you’re ready to download!
An eating disorder will try it’s hardest to prevent full recovery. In many cases it uses false weight narratives to do so. This download is for anyone struggling with the thought of gaining weight or reaching/exceeding their pre-ED weight. The handout includes links for articles, books, a short video, and a podcast to help you learn about the benefits of reaching full weight restoration and the dangers of remaining just under the threshold. There’s also a section specifically for parents of a child with an ED.
As you begin to become a week night dinner pro, you’ll find that most of my recipes use a lot of the same ingredients. The beauty of my week night dinner series is that it is quick, delicious, and easy skill level. The easy skill level includes not getting too crazy with the ingredient list. We have all been there. You are looking at recipes and they sound delicious, but you browse the ingredient list and you don’t even know half of it. Not to mention those crazy ingredients are costly! That can feel intimidating and frustrating. Does delicious food really need to be this difficult? No way!
Body and food freedom includes needing to change the way you think about food, your body, and other bodies. Over the years diet culture, our society, people in our lives, and even ourselves have brainwashed us to believe certain things about food and bodies. Affirmations or mantras are great tools to help with the process of retraining your brain how to think about food and body. My body image and food affirmation worksheet walks you through that exact process. As a bonus, it includes 28 affirmations or mantras that I created, for you, to get your started.
Grocery shopping is a learned skill. No one ever sits you down in school and teaches you how to do normal life things like filing taxes, picking health insurance, or grocery shopping. We are all figuring it out as we go, and I am here to help. Well, at least with the grocery one. Grab my Central Market Favorites list to jump start your grocery shopping efforts, plus you’ll get to eat some insanely delicious food!
This isn't another diet, this is the anti diet. My ebook gives you all the dirt on why the most popular diets don’t work and teaches you the secret to structuring meals and snacks in order to feel full and satisfied. The Food Freedom Guide provides you with accurate nutrition information that relates to YOU and YOUR lifestyle. I tell you which nutrition messages you need to listen to and how to retrain your brain to think about food. That’s right, no more obsessing about food. I am so confident in this book, I am giving away the first section…for FREE!