Download A Sneak Peak of The Food Freedom Guide
It’s official my book has been out for 2 months and I am so pleased that people are really loving it. Here is what they are saying…
"I fee like non-diet books say a lot of the same things, but I felt like yours had so many practical tips for people to actually implement."
"Just at a glance I can tell what an incredible resource this is and how much time must have gone into it"
"I wanted to let you know that I think you have done an excellent job with your book. I especially like the Body vs Brain chapter."
"I am on page 41 and already learned so much about how I've been in diet culture. Now I know a lot more about nutrition than I thought I did going to WW years ago. Ready to start a new chapter in my life."
Not sure you will feel the same? I get it. You don’t want to waste your hard earned cash on another book about nutrition that is going to leave you feeling confused or with more rules. I promise that is the opposite of what this book is about. I am so confident in this book, I am giving away the first section…for free! All you need to do is fill out the form below and then the free section will immediately arrive to your inbox.
The Food Freedom Guide - Stop dieting for good, eat the foods you love, and feel confident in your body, Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDRD #dallasnutritionalcounseling #thefoodfreedomguide #nondietapproach #caseybonanord #foodfreedom #intuitiveeating
Dallas Nutritional Counseling’s family nutrition division, Feed Yourself & Your Family, is excited to announce registration is now open for our Parent Picky Eating Workshop.