Dallas Nutritional Counseling Winter 2017 Intern: Samantha Jamieson
Hi everyone! My name is Samantha Jamieson and I am the new intern for Dallas Nutritional Counseling. I am 21 years old, and a Senior Nutritional Sciences major at Texas Christian University. Upon graduation, I plan on becoming a registered dietitian. I decided to study Nutritional Sciences in college because of my passion for food and how it affects the human body. When I look at food, I see fuel that has the ability to make our bodies run and that fascinates me. When I am not in school I love to run and am currently training for my second half marathon in February of 2017. Other hobbies of mine including reading, organizing my planner, and spending time with my three nieces and nephew. I am so excited to be working with, and learning from Casey and Dallas Nutritional Counseling.
Introducing Our New Winter 2017 Intern, Casey Bonano RD, LD, Dallas Nutritional Counseling #dallasnutritionalcounseling #balancedeating #caseybonanoRD #dallasRD #eatingdisorderRD #intuitiveeating