It has definitely been far too long since I have updated this blog, every time I think about posting I think about 1000 other things to get done before I sit down to write. I know (and I say this to patients all the time) when you are not writing/journaling is probably when you need it most, whether its to your little corner of the internet or to yourself in a journal.
I thought I would take this time to update you on My First Garden. In the month of May I planted my first darling little seeds in hopes to create a new hobby, to participate in self care activities, and to see life sprout before me (most likely indicative of where I was/am currently in my life). Even though it has been such a small aspect of my recent life, it has provided so much excitement. At times I have felt like a little kid at Christmas, I wake up and water my plants and little tiny bits of green are poking through the top. Little bits of life. Add water. More sunlight. Outside. Inside to get away from the heat. etc. It remind me of my sister trying to guess what her newborn, Henry, is needing. This is true, except quieter and a whole lot less responsibility. Small steps right?
I initially planted thyme, basil, cilantro, rosemary, spearmint and sage. The thyme and basil are flourishing. I have given away several chunks to family and friends over the past 2 months and the plants continue to produce. The cilantro grew rapidly, I was able to get two little bundles and use it before it went to seed and never returned. The cilantro was the freshest herb I have ever tasted, so fragrant. The obvious use was Mexican dishes, but I also thew it into salads to give it a little kick. I love cilantro just about on anything, but I know it is not everyones preference. Since the cilantro stopped producing I planted sugar snap peas in its place, which immediately sprouted and is my second largest plant. The spearmint never grew and was replaced by green onions which are doing fairly well. The rosemary and sage are producing, but at a much lower rate than the other plants.
All in all, I would say my first garden is a success. Now that herbs are going fairly well I want to branch out to more produce. Below are current pictures...
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Rosemary, Sugar Snap Peas, Thyme
My little garden by its window
Green onions
Sugar Snap Peas
Close up of thyme
Megan Good RD, LD, CEDS is a highly sought after eating disorder dietitian with extensive experience at every level of care. Megan has capacity to take on new clients at this time and is scheduling both in-person and virtual sessions. Megan specializes in eating disorders, disordered eating, Intuitive Eating, body image, life transitions, and college age clients.