Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Gratitude is one of those big picture words that floats around in my head, but never seems to land. It's not that I am not thankful or appreciative, but I find it hard to slow down and actively think of specifics. The other day in yoga class, the instructor mentioned appreciated the rise and fall of a loved ones chest and I immediately thought of watching my newest nephew sleep. My heart immediately grew three sizes.
Gratitude Journal
One of my colleagues mentioned keeping a gratitude journal, which I have heard of several people doing before but for some reason at that moment it seemed to strike a cord. So beginning today and occurring every Friday, I will keep a gratitude journal on Food For Thought. It wont be fancy or wordy, but it will be 5 things that I am feeling grateful for that week.
More on Gratitude
Cultivating gratitude elicits joy. If you are wanting to learn more about gratitude check out any of Brene Brown's books. Cultivating authenticity and gratitude are common themes. I am a huge fan of Brene's work and it also helps that she is a fellow Texan.
“Ordinary happiness depends on happenstance. Joy is that extraordinary happiness that is independent of what happens to us. Good luck can make us happy, but it cannot give us lasting joy. The root of joy is gratefulness. We tend to misunderstand the link between joy and gratefulness. We notice that joyful people are grateful and suppose that they are grateful for their joy. But the reverse is true: their joy springs from gratefulness. If one has all the good luck in the world, but takes it for granted, it will not give one joy. Yet even bad luck will give joy to those who manage to be grateful for it. We hold the key to lasting happiness in our own hands. For it is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful." --Gratefulness, The Heart of Prayer by Brother David Steindl-Rast
Friday Gratitude Journal
1. My nephew Henry's giant cheeks
2. A past patient's check in e-mail I received on Tuesday about recent good things happening in her life
3. Garlic. It tastes good on everything. Post coming soon for a recipe that involves that very thing.
4. Access to clean hot water to shower in - such a luxurious way to wake up
5. The color periwinkle
What are you grateful this Friday?
Visit my contact page if you have any further questions or is you wish to schedule an appointment.
Friday Gratitude Journal - Finding Joy Through Gratitude by Casey Voorhies RD, LD, Dallas Nutritional Counseling
Friday Gratitude Journal - Finding Joy Through Gratitude by Casey Voorhies RD, LD, Dallas Nutritional Counseling
Dallas Nutritional Counseling has teamed up with therapist Angela Harris LCSW, CEDS-C to provide a three hour workshop titled Stable Enough: Ethics & Treatment of Severe & Enduring Eating Disorders.