Even though Halloween itself is just one day, it has become an entire ‘season’. The decoration, movies, and candy all hitting the stores months in advance, making it all that much more challenging. I know that the intimidation, fear, and temptation of the overflowing candy bowls can be a huge struggle for most people, so here are some quick tips to help you enjoy your Halloween season this year.
Read MoreNow Offering Nutrition Therapy Nights & Saturday Appointments
Dallas Nutritional Counseling is now offering night and weekend appointments for nutrition therapy and eating disorder treatment.
Read MoreDallas Nutritional Counseling is Now on TikTok
Dallas Nutritional Counseling is now on Tik Tok, follow along!
Read MoreBack to School, and Back to Sports - Sports Nutrition Tips for Your Athlete
Back to school, and back to sports - 5 nutrition tips for your athlete. It’s back to school and for many kids that also means it’s back to sports. That’s right, fall sports are already upon us. Those early morning practices may throw us off our normal routine so it’s important to plan ahead to help make sure your child is getting enough energy to fuel their busy day. Eating consistently and regularly throughout the day is a priority for all students as they head back to school and it can also be an important reminder that our student athletes require more energy to accommodate their increased physical activity that comes with playing sports. It can be overwhelming transitioning back to sports so we have come up with 5 tips to help you feel better prepared for the fall season.
Read MoreA Conversation About Body Image with Food Freedom Fertility
Dallas Nutritional Counseling owner, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-S, had the honor of being featured on an Instagram live with Lindsey of Food Freedom Fertility. During this conversation Casey and Lindsey discuss body image, period loss, how to deal with weight loss talk, how to begin to improve your body image, and so much more
Read MoreBack to School: 3 Creative Lunch Ideas
It is that time of year again…back to school. If your littles get burnt out on the normal turkey sandwich routine I am sharing three creative lunches for back to school and how I build my child’s lunch box.
Read MoreExercise During Eating Disorder Recovery
Exercise During Eating Disorder Recovery - Movement and exercise, although very important for mental and physical wellbeing, can be a complicated topic while in treatment of an eating disorder. It is important to recognize that the biggest challenge with adding physical activity or movement is receiving the benefits of physical activity without allowing it to trigger relapses during recovery.
Read MoreHow to Talk About Food & Nutrition with Your Kids
How to Talk About Food & Nutrition with Your Kids
The casual chatter you make during meal times, trying on clothes, or talking about others can deeply affect your child’s relationship with food and their body. These negative statements may go unnoticed by you, but stick with your family members for years to come
Read MoreARFID Professional Case Consultation
You’ve read the books. You’ve attended numerous trainings and webinars. You have all the tools and resources, but you still feel stuck with a specific ARFID client or treating patients struggling with ARFID in general.
Please join the Dallas Nutritional Counseling team for a virtual, two hour, advanced ARFID case consultation group. In this group we will dive into your specific client questions, process complex cases, and discuss specific advanced techniques to utilize in session.
Read MoreFREE DOWNLOAD: Freezer Staples List
The freezer staples list consists of over 20 breakfast, lunch, and dinner items to keep stocked in your pantry to make your weekly grocery shopping and meal planning easier. This list will help aid in meal planning, grocery shopping, and weekly cooking.
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