Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-S Accepting New Patients

Casey has over a decade of experience in the eating disorder field including residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient levels of care. She then went on to establish her own private practice and has been serving the Dallas eating disorder community ever since.

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Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Specialists

Dallas Nutritional Counseling is a Dallas-based private practice specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, disordered eating, and chronic dieting. We provide both in-person and virtual services in the state of Texas and nationally. Our practice consists of five dietitians treating all types of eatings disorders with three specifically specializing in the treatment of Binge Eating Disorder (BED). Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-S, Megan Good RD, LD, CEDS, and Alex Leibold RD, LD have a passion for treating those struggling with BED. All three dietitians have gained extensive training and experience treating those struggling with BED while utilizing a Health at Every Size(R) and trauma informed approach and feel equipped and confident to help these individuals. Please continue reading to learn more about both our dietitians specializing in the treatment of BED.

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Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) Specialists

Dallas Nutritional Counseling is a Dallas-based private practice specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, disordered eating, and chronic dieting. We provide both in-person and virtual services in the state of Texas and nationally. Our practice consists of several dietitians treating all types of eatings disorders with two specifically specializing in the treatment of Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorders (ARFID). Rebecca Tilden MCN, RD, LD has a passion for treating those struggling with ARFID. Rebecca has gained extensive training and experience treating those struggling with ARFID and feel equipped and confident to help these individuals. Please continue reading to learn more about Rebecca.

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